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Opalescence Whitening

With Opalescence Whitening at Stephen Petinge, DMD, there’s no reason to accept being unhappy with the shade of your teeth. This popular and cutting-edge treatment gives our patients brighter and whiter teeth that will make you feel proud to smile, and easily fits into your budget and lifestyle.
You can only obtain Opalescence through a licensed and certified dentist, like Dr. Petinge, and the results are far beyond anything that a drugstore treatment can achieve. Dr. Petinge will create customized trays that fit your mouth perfectly, and provide you with special gel that you use at home. You even get a choice of flavors!

How Opalescence Works

Many of our patients have surface-level stains, including some that lie deeper in the enamel or between the cracks of the teeth. While some whitening toothpaste can remove easily reachable surface-level stains, it can’t reach the deeper stains that cause discoloration.
The primary ingredients in Opalescence are carbamide and hydrogen peroxide. These substances penetrate the enamel of your teeth and actually change the color of the molecules. The newly-white oxygen molecules spread to cause the entire tooth to appear white.
Over-the-counter teeth whitening products can only go so far. When you work with our Petinge Dental team, we will make personalized recommendations that enable you to get the results you desire. Dr. Petinge always takes the time to explain the process of teeth whitening, and make sure you know exactly what to expect. Professional teeth whitening with Opalescence is a great gift to give yourself- you deserve a smile that gives you confidence!

Teeth Whitening

During your appointment, Dr. Petinge will teach you how to use the Opalescence take-home kit, which will contain either 10 or 15 percent hydrogen peroxide, and your choice of melon or mint flavor. Some of our patients opt into the PF whitening kit, which contains between 10 and 35 percent carbamide peroxide, and flavor choices include regular, melon, and mint.

Don’t wait any longer to bring back the dazzling white smile of your youth- call Dr. Petinge today and schedule a consultation on Opalescence whitening!

Restore Your Brilliant Smile with Teeth Whitening

Are your teeth dull, brown, or yellowed? Over time, certain acidic foods and beverages can cause teeth to stain, making for a less-than-stellar smile. You’ve probably seen ads on TV for over-the-counter strips you can buy to freshen your smile. Such do-it-yourself treatments offer neither the strength nor long-lasting results as those delivered by a dental professional.
If you’re ready for a flawless smile you can proudly share, we invite you to visit our dental office in Saugus to learn more about our array of professional teeth whitening services. We even offer take-home products you can use that our dentists stand behind for their quality and results, that are enjoyed by patients in Saugus, Revere, Lynn and Melrose.
Professionally delivered teeth whitening services are a safe, effective way to restore the bright smile you once had. While sometimes too gradual to notice, because it happens over several years, you may have experienced a dimmer, less vibrant smile. It’s often the result of anything from drinking coffee to eating blueberries; both of which can stain teeth. Lifestyle choices and aging also contribute. Staining may result from any of the following:

Whatever the cause, the result is an unattractive smile you may find yourself hiding. Why hide any longer? It’s time to brighten up that smile with our pain-free, comfortable and fast acting teeth whitening treatments!

Call today for an appointment for teeth whitening at our Saugus dental office. We can take you through the process step by step so you’re fully informed, comfortable, and prepared to take your smile from dull to dazzling!